Office Team
Lesa Valenzuela, Interim Executive Director
PMCCP Community Member since 2001
Lesa Valenzuela is an early childhood educator who has devoted over three decades to working in a variety of roles including teacher, program supervisor, education specialist and now as a center director at Pike Market Child Care and Preschool in downtown Seattle. Over her career, Lesa has been committed to serving diverse children, families, and colleagues using an anti-bias/anti-racism approach. She recently earned her Master’s Degree in Early Childhood Education from Eastern Washington University, and works to create pathways for other early childhood educators to access opportunities to enroll in college-level courses in the field of ECE.
Lesa has a deep passion for studying the cultural context of child-centered curriculum practices--particularly in building partnerships with families, creating inclusive learning environments, and using books and authentic materials as tools to provoke curiosity and inquiry. When not working, you will find Lesa spending time with her family and friends, enjoying life by listening to music, knitting, taking photos, and keeping busy doing the self and community work towards social justice.
Erika Johnson, Program Manager
PMCCP Community Member since 2015
Erika has her AA in Early Childhood Education and has worked in Early Learning for over 30 years. Whether holding a baby who is experiencing the first days of care away from home, or welcoming families learning about PMCCP, Erika’s goal is that they know they are truly seen, heard, and respected. She credits her Gramma for teaching her that kind of unconditional love. Erika loves being invited into children’s amazing imaginations, looking for the moment their face lights up with new knowledge, and the sound of children laughing!
In my free time: I like Singing and Acting
I like to share about: My pet Russian Tortise, Zoey
My next goal: to get a BA in ECE
Kaya Alexander, Administrative Specialist
PMCCP Community Member since 2023
Bio coming soon!
Ezilia Del Rio, Nutrition Coordinator
PMCCP Community Member since August 2017
Ezilia brings her experience in kitchens, farms, and parenting to creating homecooked, international meals, “cooked with love”. She previously taught Food Science and Culinary Art students at South Seattle College, and now puts her focus on our young students, creating meals for healthy children and a healthy planet. As a child, Ezilia was drawn to engaging with nature, and learning about plants from her older sister. Ezilia loves her work serving children and families at PMCCP, but her sweet place on earth is Ecuador.
Three things that make me happy: Love, Clean Air, and Water.
Most inspired by: My Amish grandmother
My retirement plan: To live on a multigenerational permaculture farm in Intag Cloud Forest of Ecuador, away from technology, with a donkey instead of a car.
Fran Davidson, PMCCP Coach
PMCCP Community Member since 1991
Fran’s affiliation with PMCCP began in 1991 when then ED Ilene Stark hired her as the Anti-Bias Curriculum Coach. She returned several times before being hired in 2012 to work with ED Ellen Greene and Education Coordinator Lesa Valenzuela to guide the process of rooting Child Centered Reflective Practice Through the Lens of Cultural Relevancy/Anti-Bias into the daily life of the program. Since 1975, Fran has worked with young children, their families and the teachers of young children, infusing all her work with the issues of cultural-relevance and anti-bias. Fran has taught early childhood and human development classes for Seattle Central College, Pacific Oaks College Northwest, Bellevue College and the University of Washington. She is the co-author, with Ann Pelo of That’s Not Fair! A Teacher’s Guide to Activism with Young Children.

Teaching Team
“PMCCP teachers were unbelievably supportive. When I've had any problems come up, the teachers were actively there to help me problem solve.”
PMCCP Community Member since 2016
Ashlyn always knew she wanted to create and foster a space where every person, big or small, feels welcomed, loved, and celebrated for exactly who they are. She was inspired by her mom who had an in-home child care center while she was growing up. Ashlyn went on to get her AA in ECE. She is a voracious reader and will find time to read every day, theatrically to children and for pleasure for herself.
Three things I love: Macarons, the beach, and a satisfying twist ending in a fantasy book
Childhood memory: Climbing - everything! Trees, fences, and kitchen counters…
Favorite time of day: I love mornings, and making sure children and families have a warm welcome when they arrive at school.
PMCCP Community Member since November 2014
Banchu’s sister-in-law inspired her to work in early learning and introduced her to PMCCP. Banchu remembers feeling right away it was the perfect fit. She felt a sense of community and a place where she could share her culture in an open and inclusive environment. To prepare for teaching, she trained in RIE (Resources for Infant Educarers). Banchu was born and raised in Ethiopia and speaks Amharic in addition to English. As a child, her favorite activity was to play outside with her friends, and now her favorite moment of the school day is taking the children to the playground. Banchu has two daughters she adores and so has a deep empathy for parents, knowing how much they care about their child’s health and happiness!
Free time Fun: Gardening (mostly flowers) and Cooking (my best dish is Shiro wat stew)
Favorite Place in the World: my hometown, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Happy Classroom Moment: To see a toddler lovingly care for and dress a baby doll.
PMCCP Community Member since 2022
Bianka joined PMCCP to unite her two passions of early childhood education and anti-bias/anti-racist activism. Bianka is proud of her beginnings in a preschool in San Jose, and graduating as a first-generation college graduate with a BA in Sociology with a concentration in Reformative Justice and a minor in Ethnic Studies. She has spent the greater part of the last decade working with at-risk students aged preschool to high school, as well as empowering primarily Latinx immigrant parents through community organizing surrounding school district-wide issues.
Three things that make me happy: Sunshine, riding the ferry each day, and seeing wild animals in their natural habitats.
In my free time: I enjoy birding, walks on the beach on Bainbridge, kayaking, and visiting my neighbors’ chickens.
My favorite moment in the day: when everyone begins waking up from nap time!
PMCCP Community Member Since 2005
In addition to her AA in Early Childhoood Education and her years of teaching, Charu is also the proud parent of a PMCCP alumni! Every day Charu looks for all the learning that happens, not only teacher to child, but child to teacher and child to child. She loves getting to know each child more deeply in the drama areas, as they demonstrate their understanding of the world, making meaning and testing theories as they develop relationships.
What PMCCP means to me: This place is where I feel home away from my home, and has shown me an amazing path of friendship, support and teamwork.
Three things that make me happy: Sunshine, the chirping of birds and spicy food!
Favorite places: Coldwater Creek by Mount St. Helens and Oneonta Gorge near Portland.
PMCCP Community Member since 2014
Evan attended Olympic College to get his AA in Early Childhood Education and was inspired and encouraged by both his teachers and the lead teachers at the campus childcare center. When he visited PMCCP he knew it was the place he wanted to teach. Evan creates fun and learning by being adaptive and flexible as a teacher, and by being attentive to children’s perspectives in their conversation and play. He likes to learn what children are drawn to and remembers by Kindergarten he already knew how much he loved sports, especially basketball.
A children’s book I relate to: Frog & Toad, because of their friendship dynamic and the situations they get themselves into
My favorite part of the classroom schedule: Mealtimes - because of the laughter, curiosity, and joy that come from our conversations while we eat
Free time fun: Being silly and sharing a good laugh with my kid, Evelyn!
PMCCP Community Member since 2024
Bio coming soon!
PMCCP Community Member since April 2017
Lou’s first inspiration to be a teacher for young children was her mom, who cared for a lot of the neighborhood children. Lou volunteered at a preschool that was in her high school, then worked at the college’s child care center while she was earning her AA in Early Childhood Education. Lou followed her brother Evan to PMCCP because the mission and the warm sense of community felt just right. In the classroom, Lou loves the art area, seeing children collaborating to create something beautiful together.
Three Joys: Playing ukelele, the first sip of coffee in the morning, spring sunshine
Big Dream: To go back to school to learn more about serving families
Favorite Moment: When a piece of music instantly brings back a memory or a feeling
PMCCP Community Member since August 2018
Mailin’s experiences as a child growing up in the Philippines and as a mother raising three children here in the States all contribute to what she loves to share and create for children and families at PMCCP. She values listening fully to children, to give them time to express their feelings and ideas. She likes to give children the freedom to play in challenging and exciting ways inside and outside - even if it’s messy! - and will always make time to read one more book. As a child she was curious, and she sees all of children’s play as their brilliant experiments to find answers.
My inspiration: My grandmother, who let me play outside and get dirty!
My favorite activity at home: Cooking chicken adobo for my family every Saturday.
My motivation to teach: Toddlers bring joy to my heart!
PMCCP Community Member since 2023
Bio coming soon!
PMCCP Community Member since 2022
Queshawna believes that a child-led program that supports curiosity, play, exploration, and anti-bias education is best for children and the community. They joined PMCCP with a BA in Social Work and appreciate the opportunity to do work they really enjoy with teachers that value children and see them as important, capable individuals who deserve empathy and respect. Queshawna gives children the space to be messy and loves to create art and sensory activities in the classroom. Outside of school, they like to journal and do arts and crafts.
Three things that make me smile: sunshine, gummy candy, and playing in the quicksand on the beach.
My favorite children's book: Sulwe by Lupita Nyong'o. I cried when I first read it because I had never related so strongly with a character before.
A favorite childhood memory: I loved coloring and building card houses with my big brother
PMCCP Community Member since 2023
I found my passion for early childhood education while working for my neighborhood after-school care program and became thrilled with the imaginative play of the children. Shortly after, I began my education in Early Childhood Education, gaining my AA and I am currently working on my BA in Child, Youth and Family Services. I was drawn to PMCCP because my values align with our mission, and here I see each day as an opportunity to grow along side the brilliance of each child.
PMCCP Community Member since 2022
Summer's BA in Early Childhood Education, completed in June of 2022, is built on a passion for early learning and a commitment to being a reliable source of support for families too. Summer’s favorite classroom activity is art, supporting children to create and experiment. He sees naptime as an important moment to reflect on the ideas in children's play and to plan the afternoon to further explore children's interests and questions. In Summer's free time, hiking and being outdoors is a priority and a joy.
My Favorite Children’s Book Character: Pete the Cat because he goes with the flow and does not get hung up on setbacks.
In my free time: I like to be outdoors and hiking!
Three things that make me happy: Books, sunshine, and road trips.
PMCCP Community Member since August 2024
I lived in Australia for six years before moving to Seattle in 2015. During my time there I received my BA in Early Childhood Education. I was inspired by the country’s national approach to Early Learning and wanted to continue my practice back home in the United States.
In addition to my formal education, I have over a decade of teaching experience specializing in the 0-3 years. I consider myself a lifelong learner and actively seek opportunities to improve my practice, whether it be researching, reflecting, or reading. My professional philosophy stems from the Reggio Emilia Approach, Play-Based Learning and Child-Centered Curriculum. I have a special interest in fostering strong family partnerships and bridging the gap between home and school.
Favorite School Menu Item: The variety of fresh fruit and vegetables offered to children every day at PMCCP
Favorite Early Childhood Quote: The days are long, but the years are short
My Dream: To write a children’s book that lives in every classroom

Substitute Team
Noriko, Substitute Cook
PMCCP Community Member since 2023
Bio coming soon!
Robin, Substitute Teacher
PMCCP Community Member since 2016
Bio coming soon!

Kiarra N.C. Witcher, Vice President
Masters in Public Health, Philanthropic Business Administration, specifically project management, event planning, and program coordination.
“I am proud to say that PMCCP helped me raise my children into community-orientated, equity-focused little humans.”
Ashley Look, Secretary
VitalTalk, Director of Programs.
“As a new parent and a social worker, I have been continually impressed with PMCCP and all that it provides to children and families. The opportunity for sliding scale tuition is a rare gift to families in search of high quality early learning.”
Larai Wushishi, Board Member
Senior Manager, World Wide Expansions at Amazon
“There is nothing more gratifying than giving back to the community or making a difference to the people around you.”
Liz Deckman, Board Member
Partner, Seyfarth Shaw, LLP
“As a mother of a child who was lucky enough to experience great preschool education, I am excited to work with PMCCP due to its dedication to excellent child care for all children.”